Category: Uncategorized

  • Brand New Day For Social Media

    I’m all for how Elon Musk is changing Twitter – and social media for that matter. The biggest problem with UGC (user-generated content) is the proliferation of misleading or completely false information. This can and will kill the medium if something is not done.

  • Gigable Update: August 2019

    Gigable Update: August 2019

    It’s really hard to believe we officially launched the beta website for Gigable in December of 2013. It wasn’t even called Gigable then. Our new brand was born in 2014 and we haven’t changed much about it since. To provide a little more context on why Gigable exists, let me explain a few points. As…

  • National Dog Day 2014

    In honor of National Dog Day, here are some pics of our pups!

  • Goodbye 2013

    Goodbye 2013

    We barely knew you… The baker’s dozen year. The darkest night in 500 years happened just 2 days ago. I worked with a guy who stayed home every Friday the 13th.  Yes, he’s very superstitious.  I wonder if he’s happy 2013 is over? There were bright spots this year.  The DOW is up over 24%,…

  • Change is good

    I’ve made a few changes for my music and blog site.  What you are looking at is the new blog which will be at My original website containing my music, gigs, etc. can be found at Welcome back and let’s talk!  What say you?

  • Create For Yourself

    Most songwriters, artists and creators in general usually think in terms of creating a product for external consumption. I know I do. However, it’s a good practice to create things for yourself. This means creating something that is out of your co…

  • Name this tune

    I wrote a simple tune for a friend’s photo website ( and the tune needs a name.Post ideas!Peace.

  • Mike’s Open Studio on Sunday, 1/31/10

    You’ve heard of the open house, well here is the “open studio.” The first one is happening this Sunday at noon. Random musicians coming together to create something new. Everyone brings ideas and contributes equally. Guidelines: Bring at least one…

  • Loads of new music

    Coming soon.. a USB drive filled with music from 5 different artists/bands! That could be well over 100 tunes.Send me a link if you know of a band/artist who should be included.